
Vision, Mission and Values

The Vision Statement

“Our Vision is to make lifelong learning, through the experience of U3A, a reality for all third agers  in the municipality”.  

The Mission Statement

“The Mission of Port Sorell U3A is to provide recreational, and collaborative learning  opportunities for the benefit of its third age members, using the skills and abilities of the members.  

Port Sorell U3A course offerings include creative/craft, education, nature, exercise, recreation and  technology”.

The Values Statement

We are accessible to, and inclusive of all members of the third age. 

We acknowledge the importance of social connection, and the health and well-being of  members 

We accept transparency and openness as the keys to good governance, and value honesty  and integrity in our dealing with all members of the community 

We celebrate and respect the rights, differences and dignity of all others 

We are committed to cooperative learning, working and learning together 

We empower through learning and promote the four pillars of education as described by  UNESCO. These are;

  • Learning to know,
  • Learning to do,
  • Learning to live together, and 
  • Learning to be 

We embrace innovation, continuous improvement, bold creativity and change

We acknowledge we are living in a time of climate crisis and are committed to caring for  our natural heritage. 

Freers Beach